1. What is Vastu ?

Vastu is the science of designining buildings in accordannce with the laws of nature. These laws states that the balance of the five elements must be maintained in order for the beneficial energy to enhance your environment. This science dates back more than 5,000 years when it was written in an ancient texts called Vedas!

  • It’s about 5 elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Air and Sky
  • It’s about directions: North, South, East, West
  • It’s about balancing those elements with directions.

2. Why Vastu ?

If the five elements are balanced and all obstructions to life-supporting energy are removed you will receive the maximum life enhancing energy and support of nature, which will assist you in unfolding your full potential. You will have more opportunities and your thinking will be clear to act on them in the proper time.

3. What’s the difference between Vastu and Feng Shui?

They both aim at removing obstructions so that energy can flow freely, which creates environmental harmony. The primary difference is that part of Feng Shui’s theory is based on a regional concern that sandstorms, blowing from the north, made a northern entrance to the home unacceptable, whereas Vastu favors entrances on the north and east. Vastu is based on science. Feng Shui is based on local geographic considerations and traditions. They both utilize the five elements; however, Vastu uses earth, water, fire, air and space; whereas Feng Shui replaces earth and space with wood and metal. We have found Vastu to be more effective for our personal use and for the benefit of our clients.

4. When will I notice the benefits of Vastu?

When the elements are balanced in your environment, opportunities will come. It is up to you to utilize these opportunities. You may notice some improvements right away; others may take up to a year.

5. What are the basic principles of Vastu?

Everything that exists in the universe, including our bodies, is made of five elements. These five elements are earth (geomagnetic energy), water (gravitational energy), fire (solar energy), air (wind energy) and space (cosmic radiation). These forces have a powerful influence on us, as well as the environment. Vastu is the science of arranging our man-made environments so that we are in alignment with these forces of nature. If we are not aligned with solar and geomagnetic forces we may experience illness, misfortune and struggle. It is as if we are attempting to swim against the current of a river. The east is the source of solar, ultra-violet rays, and the north is the source of magnetic energy. We benefit by keeping our environment open to these life supporting energies. The harmful infrared rays, which come from the south, and the destructive gamma rays, coming from the west, cause disruption within the environment and our bodies. Using the principles of Vastu, we protect ourselves from these rays. Each of these elements is associated with a particular direction: water in the northeast, fire in the southeast, earth in the southwest, air in the northwest and space in the center. By balancing these elements in their proper proportions, we will gain the benefits of health, happiness and prosperity.

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